Sunday, October 17, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Today Lance worked on Sydney's balance and control. The sport of choice was....Soccer! Pretty scary to lift one leg to kick a ball! Sydney is really going to like sports by the time she finishes therapy! She also walked through a grid of shoebox compartments Lance placed on the floor. She had to concentrate to lift her foot and precisely place it into a compartment; and then repeat the process with her other foot to walk across this grid.

Next Lance worked on Sydney's speed. He had her walk 500 feet using 2 canes, and clocked her at 4 minutes 30 seconds - which is really good!!

The highlight of the day was Halloween costume shopping! Sydney found a great costume, but I won't spoil the surprise of what she is going to be – you'll have to wait for Halloween! While she was shopping, she picked up a wig for her therapist Lance, since he is stylishly hairless! I'm sure he appreciated it. :)


Mary Bonham said...

We are celebrating Halloween on Saturday. Which day can we drop by to see Syd in her costume?

BTW, this news is so fantastic! I couldn't walk through that maze without serious concentration. How in the world did Syd keep her balance? Awesome!!

Sandy said...

Haha! That's so funny about the wig for Lance! I bet he thought that was awesome.

Can't wait to see you, Sydney!
